Learning Outcomes & Assessment 18 May 2011 / 11h00 - 12h00 (CET)
VIRQUAL, the Network for integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE Institutions, is organizing a Webinar about Learning outcomes and assessment that will take place on the 18th May 2011 at 11-12h CET, using a Adobe Connect Meeting Room from University of Geneva.
The webinar is part of VIRQUAL project initiatives to explore and amplify the implementation of virtual mobility, e-learning and recognition of prior learning at Higher Education and Continuing Education Levels.
The webinar is organized by a international team from University of Porto, Technical University of Wien, University of Geneva and TecMinho@ University of Minho.
The invited speaker is the expert Karine Tremblay Manager in the OECD Directorate for Education and the moderator is Gottfried S. Csanyi from the TUWien in Austria.
We INVITE all interested parties to participate in this free WEBINAR.
For more information, registration and other details please visit Virqual website @https://virqual.up.pt and Check for program and speaker information in the grey box on the right side! Registration and queries should be addressed to soeiro.alfredo@gmail.com